Région Sud Investissement is the fund for regional co-investment created in 2010 by the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region to support the emergence and development of local innovative companies. Since July 2011, the fund, whose management was entrusted to Turenne Capital, has already invested in 14 regional innovative companies for a total amount of € 4.8 million.
Turenne Capital, one of France’s leading private capital investors, has been supporting entrepreneurs for nearly 20 years in the development and transfer of their companies. At its side, Innovacom supports companies in seed and innovation capital. An independent management company approved by the AMF and owned by its employees, the Turenne Capital Group has more than €930 million under management as of December 31, 2017. Its teams, made up of 51 professionals, including 34 investors, are based in Paris, Lille (a subsidiary in partnership with Crédit Agricole Nord de France), Lyon and Marseille, have already assisted more than 250 business leaders in the health, hospitality, new technology, retail and healthcare sectors. innovative services.
Turenne Capital advocates a Socially Responsible Investor approach by supporting and animating the Therapeutic Innovation Foundation Béatrice Denys which rewards the most successful projects within French academic medical research, under the auspices of the Foundation for Medical Research .
Concerned with its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) impact and its leading role with the companies it supports, Turenne Capital has signed the PRI, the principles for responsible investment by the UN.
Launched in 2016 with €50 million, the Fonds Ambition Amorçage Angels (F3A), managed by Bpifrance within the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA), aims to co-invest with companies in young, innovative digital companies which are likely to grow.
Bpifrance Investissement finances companies – at each stage of their development – in credit, guarantee and equity. Bpifrance accompanies in their innovation projects internationally. Bpifrance also ensures the exportation of their business through a wide range of products. Consulting, university, networking and acceleration program for startups, SMEs and mid-sized companies are part of the offer to entrepreneurs.
Thanks to Bpifrance and its 48 regional locations, entrepreneurs benefit from a close, unique and effective interlocutor to help them face their challenges.
Founded with €57 billion, the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA), led by the Secrétariat général pour l’investissement, was set up by the State to finance innovative and promising investments in the territory. Six national extensions were also identified in order to help France in increasing its growth and employment potential:
• higher education, research and training,
• valorization of research and transfer to the economic world,
• Sustainable development,
• industry and SMEs,
• the digital economy,
• health and biotechnology.
Regional Major Actor of Financing Priming, Provence Business Angels is an associative network, member of France Angels. The network brings together more than eighty Business Angels who invest individually and support growing start-ups. In 2017, the members of the network invested more than 1.5 M € in about ten cases, half of which was devoted to refinancing, an indicator of the commitment of Business Angels over time. A dynamic and open network, PBA encourages business leaders or managers in the region to participate in entrepreneurial ventures and play an active role in the development of innovative companies.
Kapinno is an investment fund organised in a venture capital company that invests in innovative start-ups that operate in high potential growth lines of business.